Celine and Alexis

We are very glad to welcome again Celine Giordano and Alexis Quezada in Riga!

During this weekend we will have workshops, milonga and group dinner, as well as it will be possible to have private lessons with Celine and Alexis. So be ready for saturated, interesting, useful and heartwarming weekend! :)

Here is what Celine and Alexis says about themselves and their work:

"Alexis is Chilean, living in Barcelona for about 20 years and Celine is French.

We have been teaching together for more than 10 years!

Being social tango teachers is our main work, traveling mostly on week-end to do what we love: transmitting our vision of a subtle, comfortable, rich in sensations and very tasty tango.

Our teaching is based on solid knowledge of the anatomy of movement, musicality & musical interpretation and the technique of tango useful for social dancers.

In our classes, through dedicated exercises and specific images and postures, participants explore the invisible! such as grounding, connection, energy management…

We attach great importance to giving as much interesting information to followers as to leaders and to making everyone feel what we explain.

This is why we have special attention and we dance with each participant. All in a warm and relaxed atmosphere!"

Here are some videos for insight:



TO REGISTER FOR THE WORKSHOPS FOLLOW THIS LINK: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe8Q_4pMMkdnbOI3Dkk9f56Txhx0YYw5VGuoZbxPU9UFTonAw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Registration is mandatory!

Participation in the workshops is only in couples! If you are single, we can try to help you find a partner but we cannot guarantee that it will be possible.

The number of participants is limited! Preference will be given to couples who attend all 6 workshops!

Here is the program of the weekend.

Friday, May 16
18:00 - 19:30 Workshop: WS1
20:00 - 21:30 Workshop: WS2
22:00 - 00:00 DINNER - Tallinas iela 97, Riga
Saturday, May 17
13:00 - 14:30 Workshop: WS3
15:00 - 16:30 Workshop: WS4
20:00 -23:00 MILONGA. PRE-REGISTRATION IS NEEDED! DJ to be confirmed
Sunday, May 18
13:00 - 14:30 Workshop: WS5
15:00 - 16:30 Workshop: WS6


  • All workshops will take place in "Iespeju Nams", Tallinas iela 97, Riga
  • Milonga on Saturday will take place "Willa Teatris", Stabu iela 18C, Riga.
  • Place for Friday's dinner: "Iespeju Nams", Tallinas iela 97, Riga

Topics of the workshops:

  • WS1 and WS2: Musicality: musical phrase, pause and musical nuances
  • WS3 and WS4: Use of triangular structures to change dynamics
  • WS5 and WS6: Vals: its special energy and double-times

Workshop prices:

  • ALL 6 WORKSHOPS - 22 EUR/per person/per workshop (Totally 132 EUR)
  • 5 workshops - 24 EUR/per person/per workshop
  • 4 workshops - 26 EUR/per person/per workshop
  • 3 workshops - 28 EUR/per person/per workshop
  • 2 workshops - 30 EUR/per person/per workshop
  • Only one workshop - 32 EUR/per person/per workshop
  • Milonga prices: 10 EUR (drinks and snacks included)

INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS FROM ABROAD: There is an opportunity to rent an apartments for good price very close to the workshops' place. If you are interested, please, write us!

If you have further questions, please, write to rigaembrace@inbox.lv or message in Facebook to Ieva Drevina